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Five Reasons Hard Rock Hotel Penang Is A Perfect Staycation Venue for Family with Kids

Having a staycation with kids is always wondrous for the kids but the logistics and planning are dreadful process for the parents. Nevertheless, we are glad for choosing Hard Rock Hotel Penang for a weekend gateaway with our kids. Not only the kids had a memorable fun experience, and we as parents get a well deserving rest and escapade from the bustling lifestyle. 

Hard Rock Hotel Penang Reason Perfect Staycation Family with Kids

Here are 5 reasons why Hard Rock Hotel Penang serves as a perfect staycation venue for family with kids. Believe us or not, we never really had to leave the hotel during the 2d1n stay here.

Amazing Room with Setup that Caters for the Kids

Hard Rock Hotel Penang Reason Perfect Staycation Family with Kids

Our kids are always excited whenever we told them we are going for a hotel staycation. While Hard Rock Hotel Penang does offer kids-friendly room such as Roxity Kids Suite, there is another trick to make your booked room more welcoming to the kids - by requesting an extra bed with a tent set up, specifically catered for the little rockers!

We stayed at Seaview Deluxe room with a beautiful view looking at the the hotel's pool and the Andaman sea. Even with the additional bed with tent setup with the room, there is still ample space in the room for the 2 toddlers to mingle and play around. The kids even occasionally hide inside the tent and enjoying their newly found little dwelling, and refusing the presence of any adults in their secret hideout.
Hard Rock Hotel Penang Reason Perfect Staycation Family with Kids

Hard Rock Hotel Penang Reason Perfect Staycation Family with Kids

Hard Rock Hotel Penang Reason Perfect Staycation Family with Kids

Hard Rock Hotel Penang Reason Perfect Staycation Family with Kids

When the kids are having fun even in the room and reluctant to go out, you know you are having a great getaway from home. 

Aside from the factors that cater for the kids, the room boasts of having BOSE bluetooth sound system (in fact, all rooms in the hotel has it). So we had an amazing fun, playing popular songs to nursery rhythms in the room. Needless the kids, the kids were amazed! 

Amazing Pool with Water Slides

Hard Rock Hotel Penang Reason Perfect Staycation Family with Kids

Hard Rock Hotel Penang Reason Perfect Staycation Family with Kids

If the weather is perfect, we could spend the entire day at Hard Rock Hotel Penang enjoying every corner of the pool.

The statement appears to be bold, yet is it true. The kids had so much fun here, enjoying the 3 different water slides, and hopping from one corner to the another corner of the largest free-form pool in Northern Malaysia.

While a cacophony of kids noise screaming and splashing water buzzing in my ear drums in the pool, deep dive into water let me enjoy the latest rocking songs by Lady Gaga and other celebrities. Never in my life I had such an unique experience swimming in pool where I get to enjoy underwater music. 

If your budget allows, you can even splurge and order a cup of drinks at The Shack, the hotel's unique swim-up bar with submerged seats. Ain't it cool? 

Fun Activities for the Kids

Hard Rock Hotel Penang Reason Perfect Staycation Family with Kids

Hard Rock Hotel Penang Reason Perfect Staycation Family with Kids

Hard Rock Hotel Penang Reason Perfect Staycation Family with Kids

As much as we loved the pool here, there are more fun factors for the kids in Hard Rock Hotel Penang.

We were very excited when we discovered the Roxity Kids Club, which is right beside the Pizzeria restaurant and gym. Apparently Roxity Kids Club cater for all kids aged 4-12 years old and we can leave our kids there with the assigned hotel crew. They have prepared a series of activities for the kids and our daughter was having a fun time there doing some arts works. 

You can have an ease of mind on leaving your kids there, as they will take your telephone number and give you a call should your kids looking for you.

That means totally freedom for all the parents out there, including us! We can finally have some long yearning me-time. Strolling by the beach, just like those times when we were still a young couple before being "promoted" to become parents.

Hard Rock Hotel Penang Reason Perfect Staycation Family with Kids

Nonetheless, this was not the case for us. We still have a young kid aged 1 years old tagged with us and she needs the attention all the time. Furthermore, Roxity Kids Club only cater for kids aged 3 and above. Then the crew in duty in Roxity Kids Club told us "you can bring your smaller kid to Lil' Rockers Infant Club".

What a great news for us! Well, obviously we could not leave the small kid at Lil' Rockers Infant Club unattended but she definitely had a great time playing there with the small slide, pretending to be cooking and dozens of toys there. For the older kids like us, the Tabu Teen Clubs adjacent to the Infant Club offers entertainment choices from Playstation, pool and table football. 

Now you know why our kids are reluctant to leave the hotel. 

Taking A Nice Stroll by The Beach and Enjoy Beautiful Sunset

Hard Rock Hotel Penang Stay

Our kids love hotel staycation. They also love pool and enjoying playing sands by the sea.

Reason is simple. These are the activities they have no access at home. 

The close proximity of Hard Rock Hotel with a beautiful beachline allows we bring them to take a stroll over the beach along the sunset. The kids were delighted to point out to the sky whenever they see parasailing. Horses also excite them at occasions.

Enjoy Being Ownself, Again

Hard Rock Hotel Penang Reason Perfect Staycation Family with Kids

I think I have lost myself somehow after being a parents.

The daily chores, from clocking into office, attending meetings, managing KPI in work, doing house chores, and attending to kids' needs day in day out have consumed my life. At times, I ponder is this the life I am after, and lost the direction and clarity of life.

Authentic smile on face has gradually being replaced by the pretentious smile I have to put on, just to satisfy others. I wish just to enjoy some time off from the repetitive chores, even for just a while. However the reality disallows. 

After the kids fall asleep, I get permission from my partner for an hour leave and creeped into Hard Rock Cafe. I was not after the alcohol nor the food there, but merely some lone time and listen some really nice music. It gives a time for me to clutter my messy brains. 

Well, if Hard Rock Cafe was not the type of atmosphere you are looking for. There are a calmer venue to enjoy nice music at the hotel lobby.

If all other circumstances did not permit you to leave the room, turn on the TV and enjoy the live display of Hard Rock Cafe. 

Hard Rock Hotel Penang Reason Perfect Staycation Family with Kids

Hard Rock Hotel Penang Reason Perfect Staycation Family with Kids

Hard Rock Hotel Penang Reason Perfect Staycation Family with Kids

Hard Rock Hotel Penang
+604 - 8868 057

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