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Sloam Mit Thai Restaurant @ Bagan Samak. Bandar Baharu Kedah

Whenever we are driving back from Kuala Lumpur to Penang and it happened to be around dinner hours when we are about to reach Penang, most likely we would take a detour to Bagan Samak. The reaons being there are some really good restaurant serving fresh river fishes and the price is relatively affordable too. Previously we have been to Kang Fresh Water Food, Yang Yang Ho River FooNg Hang Kee and today we are trying out Sloam Mit Thai Restaurant. The wording Thai symbolizing Thai inspired cuisine is one the main reason alluring to here. 

Sloam Mit Thai Restaurant @ Bagan Samak. Bandar Baharu Kedah

I had a misconception that Sloam Mit Thai is a small fresh water food restaurant in Bagan Samak as Thai food may not be popular here. However I was wrong. Sloam Mit Thai occupies a big space and easily host up to 20 tables with proper social distancing between tables. There are aquarium displaying an array of fishes and prawns at another corner of the restaurant.

One thing we liked about Sloam Mit Thai restaurant is the crew hands us a menu after we had their attention. This facilitate the process of ordering as we are offered a better picture on the types of dishes being prepared in the restaurant, instead of asking what are their special dishes today. 

Sloam Mit Thai Restaurant @ Bagan Samak. Bandar Baharu Kedah

We asked for a small size catfish and was served a 0.6kg fish accordingly (RM 65/kg). The catfish was fresh and lightly seasoned with soy sauce. Definitely a dish to relish.

Sloam Mit Thai Restaurant @ Bagan Samak. Bandar Baharu Kedah

We thought of having Thai influenced cuisine but as we bring along a toddler thus tomyam and other spicy dishes were not our option. Therefore we settled with Thai Style Prawn Cracker (RM 15). The crackers were prepared in doughnut shape with prawn flesh being used as the filling and undergo deep fried process. It goes well with the Thai dipping sauce. 

Sloam Mit Thai Restaurant @ Bagan Samak. Bandar Baharu Kedah

Sloam Mit Thai Restaurant @ Bagan Samak. Bandar Baharu Kedah

We enjoyed how the chefs prepared the Paku vegetables (RM 8.00). We specifically requested it to be stir fry in spicy and the chef did a wonderful job. The vegetables were crunchy and offer a fair balance of spicy and sweet flavour. 

The Hotpot Tofu (RM 18.00) was equally satisfying too. Remember to enjoy those tofu with the spicy Thai sauce provided to yield an even more exciting taste.

Sloam Mit Thai Restaurant @ Bagan Samak. Bandar Baharu Kedah

Sloam Mit Thai Restaurant @ Bagan Samak. Bandar Baharu Kedah

Sloam Mit Thai Restaurant @ Bagan Samak. Bandar Baharu Kedah

Sloam Mit Thai Restaurant @ Bagan Samak. Bandar Baharu Kedah

Sloam Mit Thai Restaurant @ Bagan Samak. Bandar Baharu Kedah

Sloam Mit Thai Restaurant @ Bagan Samak. Bandar Baharu Kedah

Sloam Mit Thai Restaurant @ Bagan Samak. Bandar Baharu Kedah

Our dinner with 4 dishes, white rice and drink cost a total RM 86. Considering the current macroeconomic when almsot every food item has priced hiked, this was a pretty good deal. Most importantly, the food is delicious and nicely seasoned to bring out the best of the raw materials. However, do bear with the annoying flies and the crews' service may appear lackadaisical.

Sloam Mit Thai Restaurant
Operation hours: 11am - 10pm daily
Tel: +6012 235 3798

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