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Tepi Laut Coconut Husk Seafood @ Shangri-La's Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa, Penang

You may have a long of list to seafood restaurants in Penang to check out but our recommendation goes to this one - Tepi Laut Coconut Husk Seafood at Shangri-La's Rasa Sayang Resort & Spawhich is available every Friday to Sunday starting from 5pm. We enjoyed having seafood here not just it is a 5 star resort with 5 stars service, but the chefs also source the freshest catch of the day from local fisherman, and grilled these seafood following a Balinese inspired coconut husk technique, rendering an unique smoky aroma.

Tepi Laut Coconut Husk Seafood @ Shangri-La's Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa, Penang

Tepi Laut Coconut Husk Seafood is hosted at a hut by the beach of Shangri-La's Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa Penang. At first, we thought outdoor beach dining may pose a challenge in terms of humid and hot temperature, along with mosquitoes as companions but rest assured the reality is otherwise. The restaurant has mosquitoes issues being taken care of by placing mosquitores repellent across the dining area, and the sea breeze wafting your skin provides more cooling sensation that you may thought. Imagine our 1 year old daughter can withstand seated there for 1.5 hours without making a fuss.

The only warm thing here is the staffs' friendliness that made us feel so welcomed and feeling at ease for dining here. 

Tepi Laut Coconut Husk Seafood @ Shangri-La's Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa, Penang

Tepi Laut Coconut Husk Seafood @ Shangri-La's Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa, Penang

Upon walked into the hut, the restaurant crew welcomed us and offered to show us the fresh catch of the day. Among on the fresh catch of the day during our visit included ikan jenahak (snapper), sotong buncit (stuffed squid), ikan bawal (pomfret), prawns and lobsters. Mussels and deep sea prawns are sourced elsewhere such as Australia. Price is displayed accordingly. Feel free to pick any seafood that intrigued and whet your appetite the most.

Tepi Laut Coconut Husk Seafood @ Shangri-La's Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa, Penang

Then the chefs will grill your seafood selections using coconut husk. It imparts a smoky and flavourful sensation to the seafood, rendering these dishes to be perfect in taste. 

Tepi Laut Coconut Husk Seafood @ Shangri-La's Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa, Penang

Tepi Laut Coconut Husk Seafood @ Shangri-La's Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa, Penang

Your selection of grilled seafood will be served to you in a bamboo basket, resembling the way how locals used to enjoy the seafood. Well, we were amazed by almost everything in the basket. The red snapper offers such a sleek texture, and the gigantic plump prawns were probably one of the best we have had after so long. Even the prawns in fresh market did not offer such a crisp and clean mouthfeel.

Provision of 6 different condiments also enhance the flavour of each seafood. You could play around with the condiments to create the best flavour for yoursefl. Watch out for those fiery and hot ones though! 

Tepi Laut Coconut Husk Seafood @ Shangri-La's Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa, Penang

In case you feel an iodine rush due to abundance of seafood, go for the satay here. The jumbo size satay is one of the best grilled in town too. Best to have these satays too while waiting for your seafood to be served. 

Tepi Laut Coconut Husk Seafood @ Shangri-La's Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa, Penang

Overall, it was an awesome dining experience here at Tepi Laut Coconut Husk Seafood. Book your slot early though as the captain told us the seats run out pretty fast due to high demands. 

Shangri-La's Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa
Tel: +604-888 8788

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