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Asian Fusion Aglio Olio Pasta Recipe

Majority of Asians are familiar with oyster sauce in Chinese inspired dishes, but how about the idea of incorporating oyster sauce in making pasta? As odd as it sounds, today we are sharing a delicious Asian Fusion Aglio Olio recipe.


  • One whole garlic, equally divided into two portion (one portion to be sliced, and another portion to be minced)
  • 2 tablespoon unsalted butter
  • 3 teaspoon chili flakes
  • 1 tablespoon oyster sauce
  • 2 tablespoon light soy sauce
  • Grated parmesan cheese
  • Olive oil
  • Pasta (spaghetti / angle hairs)
1. Fry the sliced garlics. Heat up your skillet with medium fire, then add olive oil followed by the sliced garlics. When the sliced garlics started to turn slightly golden in colour, take the skillet off fire and set aside. The garlics will continue to sizzle in the oil. Keep the fried garlic chips for later.
2. Cook the pasta. Add your pasta to the pot of boiling hot water, add some salt and olive oil.
3. Prepare the sauce. Melt the unsalted butter in a medium heat skillet, then add the minced garlics. As the garlic is turning slightly golden in colour, add the chili flakes, oyster sauce and light soy sauce.
4. Thin the sauce. The prepared sauce is most likely reduce to be thick in texture. Scoop some pasta water from the cooking pasta and put it to the skillet to thin it.
5. Add the pasta into the sauce. Once the pasta cooked, add the pasta into the skillet of prepared sauce and stir well. 
6. Add some parmesan cheese. Grate some parmesan cheese on top of the cooked pasta for some cheesy texture. After finish stirring, you may grate somemore parmesan on top of the pasta for both aesthetic and taste.
7. Add the fried sliced garlic chips. Pour the fried sliced garlic chips along with the oil into the prepared pasta. This will give the pasta some crispy texture.
8. Serve and enjoy your Asian Fusion Aglio Olio

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