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[MYANMAR] - Best Experience by Cycling to the Attractions in Mandalay

We took an overnight bus from Yangon to Mandalay and arrived at 6:30am in the Mandalay City. The sky is just started and we were totally drained out as the sleeping quality in the bus was poor. Having dropped by the bus at the city centre in Mandalay, we were swarmed immediately by motorcycle taxis lurking around the area. Feeling lethargic to negotiate with the riders, we agreed with one of them to bring us to our hotel - Hotel 8.

Myanmar Mandalay Travel
City of Mandalay
Life in Mandalay city

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

We are totally caught surprise on the service provided by the hotel. It looks like a simple guesthouse but the service is superb! Our name is printed on the welcome list at the main door, first times we felt like being treated like a VIP!

On top of that, we were allowed to check in our room and get some early rest even the official check-in hour is 12pm! Oh finally some good rest before we continue our journey.

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

The perks of checking in early - breakfast at the hotel without additional cost, courtesy from the hotel. Saved some US dollars then! 

For just USD 25 per day, it was a real bargain staying here. Check out some of the pictures of the room. Decent and comfy room, though the water tends to clog up in the toilet but we were fine with that. Hot shower was provided but the water might not be warm enough. Always feel grateful when we were in others' countries.

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel
Basic toiletries were provided
Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel
Pay as you consume
Hotel 8
29th Street, Between 82nd and 83rd Street, Chan Aye Thar San Township, Mandalay, 11101, Mayanmar.
Location map refers here

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Okay, we were totally drained out and slept till 12:30pm. Feeling guilty, we quickly rushed out using the most primitive way of transportation - bicycles. The bicycles are provided by the hotel based on availability. 

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

It was really a different experience manoeuvring in Mandalay city on bicycles. There were a lot of cars and motorcycles on the road, and we are not used to driving on the right. The cycling journey was complicated with Mandalay being a "grid-city" and not many functioning traffic light. Thinking back, we were really crazy!

Myanmar Mandalay Travel
This is the traffic at Mandalay!
Myanmar Mandalay Travel
Life in Mandalay
Cycling in the city allows us to explore more into the corner of the city and witness how the local lives. It was a wonderful experience. During travelling, we must always do something unconventional, and not the things we do everyday right?

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

While we might enjoying ourselves in cooling air-cond, do think of others still working hard under scorching sun just to earn a living. 

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Should we slow down our pace of life and think what we really wanted in life, is it about wealth, position, power, influence or perhaps 3 meals a day would suffice?

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Perhaps the most beautiful day is to spend the time with your love one, not sitting behind the desk and giving order to your subordinates. 

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Or a chat with your 30 years mate would just cheer up your day. Make more friends and less enemies.

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Oh wow, what a mode of transportation!

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

The ladies here love to apply this yellowish powder on the face, which is a distinctive culture of Myanmar. The powder is called Thanaka, serves as a cosmetic and helps to protect against sunburn too. We were at once tempted to buy it as the sunblock here is too expensive.

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Places to go at Mandalay
We travelled to most of the places of attractions in Mandalay on a bicycles. It was tiring but definitely an enjoyable way. 

1) Atumashi Kyaung & Shwe Kyaung

Myanmar Mandalay Travel
Atumashi Kyaung
Located next to each other, Atumashi Kyaung & Shwe Kyaung are historical buildings in Mandalay with the date traced back to era 1800-1900. 10000 kyat Archeological Zone Fees are chargeable to per pax. Good thing is the entrance fees are needed to be paid once only for multiple accesses to other archeological sites.

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel
Atumashi Kyaung
Myanmar Mandalay Travel
Shwe Kyaung
Myanmar Mandalay Travel
Souvenirs are sold outside of the attraction
2. Mandalay Palace

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Located right in the city centre, it is hard to miss out Mandalay Palace. It is distinguished by the moat surrounding the palace, and bastion is seen at the corner of the palace. Mandalay Palace is the royal palace of the last Burmese monarchy. 

Entry to the palace is through the east gate, and the ticket paid for Mandalay Archeological Zone can be used here.

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The bastion of the palace
Myanmar Mandalay Travel
Children seen fishing at the moat

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

We saw some teenager monks pass by and snap a picture of them.

3. U Bein Bridge

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel
Mandalay evening best spent at U Bein Bridge with spectacular sunset view. U Bein Bridge is believed to be the world longest and oldest teakwood bridge, spanning acorss 1.2km. 

U Bein Bridge is located at outskirt of Mandalay, and it takes about 30 minutes travelling by car from the town centre. The hotel helped us to arrange a taxi to there for 15000 kyat. Kindly take note to be there by 5:30pm in order to enjoy the sunset view.

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Having travelled that far to U Bein Bridge, we must snap enough pictures to cover the cost of the the travelling!

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Sunset view at U Bein Bridge
Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Nevertheless the sunset view is worth all the efforts travel here. The temple across the river further beautified the sunset view. The evening would be better concluded if there was a patio chair, and a cup of good coffee in hand while witnessing the sun disappear gradually from the skyline. What a day..

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

The bridge is always crowded with people. We were too tired to walk to the other end of the bridge but you can try so if you have the energy.

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel
You can opt to enjoy the sunset view in the boat, operated by the locals. Price wise we are not sure as we never enquiry them.

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Throw away all the worries in the beautiful evening!

4. Mandalay Hill
Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Again, this is something unconventional which we have done. The last time our hiking was few years back to Mount Kinabalu. Then now, our stamina has depleted to the bottom thanks to sitting too much behind a computer in office. For Mandalay Hill, we need to take 1279 steps to reach the summit. It will be easy peasy few years back but now is really an uphill task.

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

The whole story is about taking stairs.

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

And more stairs.

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Luckily we found some companions along our journey. Best buddy ever.

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Some interesting story we imagined ourselves. Haha!

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Ocassionally there are buddha statues after some staircases. We stopped by and pray that we will have a smooth journey ahead.

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

More buddha statues. We spotted some monks go up to the hills and sometimes they stop by to pray too.

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Beautiful decoration

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

You know you are approaching the summit when you come to the market. If you have extra pennies to spare, might consider to buy something from the locals to improve their live. USD 1 might mean nothing for us but it might mean a mountain to some of them.

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Spotted this food. We have had it in Bangkok, so nay for this round. 

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

There is a golden pagoda with Sanskirt wordings written on the wall. Spend some time here to cool down, enjoy the view and breeze.

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Another doggie companion at the summit pagoda.

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

The entire Mandalay city is seen from the summit, which is worth all the time spent walking up the stairs. It would have been better if we came earlier to witness the sunset.

Remarks: tourists are required to pay 1000 kyat for each camera device, which serves as an entry fee

5. Zegyo Market

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel

Myanmar Mandalay Travel
Within the vicinity of the clock tower in Mandalay there lies Zegyo Market. It is never a market for tourists and more like a typical Asian Market - clothes, kitchen equipment, wholesaler things. It is more happening in the morning, while at night there are some street vendors as well. If you have some time to spare, why not come over here and experience the typical Asian market?

Myanmar Mandalay Travel
Image from wikipedia
These are the few places we have been to in Mandalay. Other than these, we actually planned to go to Mahamuni Buddha Temple to witness the Buddha image washing ritual and toothbrushing, which the ceremony commences at 4am in the morning daily but we did not manage to wake up on time. There are famous puppet show in Mandalay at Mandalay Marionettes Theatre which worth exploring too.

We continued our journey to Bagan, where we were dampened by a serious event..

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