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Roti Doll & Mee Goreng @ Restaurant Mee Sham, Alor Setar

The name "Roti Doll" come across my to eat list when I was searching around for special dishes in Alor Setar, Kedah. I was mystified about how this dish looks or tastes. Thanks to Google Map, I had a great tour to the border of Perlis in the mid of heavy downpour night to locate the restaurant while in fact the restaurant just located nearby to the city centre.

Roti Doll Mee Sham Alor Setar

This mysterious Roti Doll (RM 2.50) was divulged to be tore roti canai surrounded by a mixture of curry and dhal topped with a sunny side up egg. The chef has an unique way of enshrouding the tore roti canai pieces with the sunny side up egg, effectively minimizing the kuah from direct contacting the roti canai pieces. Thus the crispiness of roti canai pieces still maintained at the top-notch level

Roti Doll Mee Sham Alor Setar

The kuah is slightly slanted toward the sweet side, with a minimum tolerable level of spiciness. I particularly like the way they present roti canai in such way.

Roti Doll Mee Sham Alor Setar

Mee Goreng (RM4.00)Ā is a typical mee goreng mamak style. Slanted toward the dried style, it was moistened with a little sweet sauce. The noodles has fried till it retained a little hard or crispy texture. I was quite pleased with the mee goreng here.

My newly minted furry friend at the restaurant. She was very interested in my backpack.

Roti Doll Mee Sham Alor Setar

Apart from mee goreng and various roti canai, the restaurant also offers Nasi Lemak and western food. Nasi Lemak is particularly a hot sell item in the morning.

Remarks: Do not be misled by Google Map when you search for Mee Sham, follow the location map provided here instead. (If you are heading to Gunung Keriang from Alor Setar using Jalan Gangsa / Jalan Suka Menanti via Lebuhraya Sultanah Bahiyah, you will see Petronas petrol station on your right, then shortly Restaurant Mee Sham on your left.

Restoran Mee Sham
K2, Pantai Johor, 05150, Alor Setar, Kedah
Operation hours: 7:30am - 9:30pm (Closed every Friday)

Location map refersĀ here.

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